About me
Daehyun Kim is a Undergraduate Student of [HUFS] (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies). He’s major is Department of Computer Engineering & Data Science (Convergence major) since 2020. and He studied Engineering Tec Major at Griffith University (Gold Coast Campus) at 2017.
Now, I am studying about Raspberry Pi, and Data Structure, Data Science, also Using Pytorch to studying Deep Learning. And I have a something Experience to Participate Olympiad & Robot Conference. and I have experience working on a project by Arduino & Etc..
And on this blog, I will post about what I studied, what I will study in the future, and various topics I am studying. I’d appreciate it if you watched it even if it wasn’t enough.
I likes to bring new ideas and share it with people. Thanks for reading, guys! 😍
Affiliation: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS)
Office: 947, Gyeongsu-daero, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, gyeonggido, Republic of Korea
Email: bigdarkgold@gmail.com or kdh1834@hufs.ac.kr